How do I become a member?

Prospective members can contact the club at or through our Contact Page to be placed on the membership list for a trial period of six months. During this trial period prospective members will be emailed copies of the club’s monthly newsletter The Cakewalk and are welcome to attend any club activity.

What are the pre-requisites for membership?

Prospective members are required to complete at least three activities with the club within this trial period before becoming a member. After completing these activities, provided there are no objections from existing members, you will be invited to join the club. See Activities section for details on how to register and join a walk or activity. 

Because CAEX members are located all around Melbourne, communication with and between members is by email. Prospective members will therefore need an email address and be comfortable receiving emails from CAEX. On becoming a member we will add you to our email group and organise a login to the Members Only section of our website.

What are the benefits of joining the club?

CAEX is a very friendly small club and we welcome new members including those with little or no previous bushwalking experience. Experienced members are always available to pass on their skills and knowledge of all aspects of bushwalking.

Probably the most important benefit of becoming a club member is that every month there will be one or two walks or other activity planned. Most day walks are held on Sundays.  Each activity is publicised in the clubs’ newsletter The Cakewalk with date, leader name and contact details, meeting time and place, what to bring and a brief outline of the proposed activity. All you have to do is register with the leader and turn up on the day with your food and equipment. You then get to enjoy a day with a group of like minded and friendly people. See the FAQ attachment below for more information about walking with us.

CAEX is an affiliate member of Bushwalking Victoria (BWV), the peak body for bushwalking in Victoria, which represents and promotes the interests of all bushwalkers. Our BWV membership also provides us with public liability and personal accident insurance organised through Bushwalking Australia, the national peak body, while participating in club activities. Part of the CAEX annual membership fee covers the insurance premium for each member. BWV has also negotiated discounts on the purchase of bushwalking equipment and clothing with a number of retailers across metropolitan Melbourne.  

How much does it cost to be a member?

The membership year is from 1 April to 31 March. Current fees are:

  •  Prospective members:  free
  • Joining fee:   free
  • Annual membership fee:   $40 per person
  • New members who join on or after 1 October:  $20 per person
